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7 Tips for Staying Motivated to Work Out

Woman holding Sparkle Wellness Muscle Boost collagen powder and a Sparkle Daily shaker

Laura Heikkila


 Written by Laura Heikkila
 Creator of Ageless Women Society

When you see someone fit, you always assume it’s because they are highly motivated to eat right and work out, but this isn’t necessarily true. We all lack motivation sometimes, and this is when having good habits takes over. I love working out, but there are days when I’m tired, stressed, or just too busy to feel motivated. This is why I have developed some great habits over the years to kickstart my workout on those days when I don’t feel motivated. 

Ways to kickstart your fitness routine

Schedule your workouts in your calendar

Like a doctor or dentist appointment, treat your workout like an event and don’t flake out on that commitment. You wouldn’t flake on your doctor or dentist, so don’t flake on yourself!

Find a workout partner

When you are committed to meeting someone else, you look more forward to a workout and are less likely to cancel.  I started my journey by working out with my best friend (whom I met at the gym) every lunch hour for over 10 years.

Be prepared

Have workout clothes prepared in a bag and keep them in your car at all times so you are always prepared for your daily workout.

Focus on building strength and muscle

You will be more motivated to keep going as you feel stronger and see muscle development. Adding some Sparkle Wellness Muscle Boost to your post-workout smoothie can help you build muscle and get lean. 

Try the 5-minute approach

Commit to working out for 5 minutes. Once you get started, the endorphins will likely boost your motivation to continue. 

Join a fitness class

This is a great way to get started in the beginning. This will help surround you with a community of like-minded people putting their health and fitness first.

Incorporate healthy eating habits

You will feel more energized to workout! Remember, it takes time and consistency to see results. Incorporate these healthy habits; before you know it, your workouts will be a regular part of your weekly routine. If you are like me,  you might love working out so much that you struggle to take those much needed rest days. 

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